Digital Marketing in India | Toffee Pvt Ltd

Digital Agencies - Toffee Pvt Ltd

In this era, where crypto currencies have replaced paper currencies, shopping, ordering food, buying houses, and planning tours are done with the help of the Internet. Technology has propagated marketing in a variety of ways. To be specific, digital marketing is one such phenomenon which has made a statement in the online world already and has begun to show promising growth.

What is digital marketing?

Digital marketing is also termed as internet marketing. In simpler words, marketing for a company or business is done with the help of the Internet. Social media (like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram), YouTube, websites, E-mails, and smartphones are utilized for marketing. These digital channels will help with the promotion and advertisement of your business, brand, or product. Social media, search engines, smartphone applications, blogs, vlogs, and affiliate marketing, all come under digital agency.

Digital Agencies - Toffee Pvt Ltd

Growth of digital marketing over the years –

Digital marketing was introduced in India in the early 2000s. The sector has witnessed immense growth and positivity in the past five years. Many courses and coaching classes have come up, providing training to students in the field of digital marketing. It is contributing a significant percentage to our country’s GDP. Many MNCs and businesses have already digitized their entire marketing. Other budding businesses and small companies have partially utilized digital channels to expand and promote their products or company.

What are digital marketing agencies?

Some companies have their in-house digital marketing team who will handle the entire marketing. Small companies or budding businesses would find it difficult to maintain and run an entire digital marketing team. These companies take help from digital marketing agencies. These agencies provide services like SEO, SEM, SMM, website designing, PPC, Google Adwords, ORM, and many more. The company can take the help of the digital marketing agencies in India. You can hire the agency for a particular service or for handling complete digital marketing of your company. The agencies charge a nominal fee and provide effective results. Some of the best digital marketing companies and agencies are based in Noida.

Future of digital marketing in India –

Marketing companies have lost the race to digital marketing agencies. Technology is the future. It would be a wise decision to go with the flow. In the coming years, traditional marketing would be completely replaced by digital marketing. Most people have smartphones and access to the internet, which will further improvise this field. India is already witnessing tremendous growth in the field of digital marketing, giving rise to competition between established companies.

Local digital marketing agency – A boon

In India, a little over 50 percent of the population is below the age of 25. Millennial or the generation second to millennial is known to be tech-savvy — by tech-savvy we mean they can work their way around technology without feeling completely lost. This also means that the option of online shopping is not a ridiculous notion anymore. This change has given rise to many brands (big or small), opening doors for quality product and services.

Digital agencies have provided an outlook for the brands/companies to switch to promoting their business online. An important aspect of digital marketing is inbound marketing wherein you attract customers/users to your product/ service via content marketing, social media marketing, search engine optimization, and branding.

digital marketing companies in noida

This can be a bit hard for the owner to run the company, manage the employees while providing quality services to the customers. In addition to this, the person might not even have the expertise required to be able to sell the product in a reasonable manner. This can be made easier by digital marketing agency Noida, as they have the relevant experience to keep the brand relevant for a long time and they provide personalized strategies to reach the numbers that the company desires.

It is also necessary for the brand to understand the audiences they want to target. Millennial are the people using internet the most these days, but not all products are targeted towards them. Some are meant for middle-aged or even old people. Hence, the promotion of these products on social media would do very little good as the target audience is not active here instead advertise it on websites visited often by these people. This is something that a local digital marketing agency can help you with, to narrow down the relevant sites and move towards reaching the goal.

Now, promoting is one thing but convert those hits on the website into actual sales is a completely other. The content on your website must be luring enough (well as so your products) to make it impossible for the customer to not buy it. Apart from that, the grievance handling must be top notch so the customers feel heard and it increases their trust in the brand.

With the pace at which digital marketing institutes are being established and the pace at which people are turning towards digital marketing agencies in Noida, it has become evident that it has become a hub for new companies to learn the right way to create a name for their brand. Any company can work with good services/ product and marketing so it is about time you try your luck out too.

How to be relevant online?

How often is it that we come across an ad from a company that has an amazing product that could have interested us but the ad is so ineffective that it shatters our hope in the product as well. Well, it is the case with a much digital advertising agency that goes by the agenda that spamming will make their voice be heard and their product be appreciated, but it is genuinely quite the opposite.

Targeting the right audience and respectfully conveying the word about your product is the only way of earning the goodwill for the buyer.

digital marketing agency noida

Statistics show that only 45% of digital marketing is actually producing fruitful results. So, in today’s day and age random spamming won’t get your product/services anywhere, being relevant has become important.

To be relevant it is important that you –

  • Have a website which is attractive as well as user-friendly at the same time.
  • Invest in SEO so that you appear in search results from some keywords
  • About 60% people in today’s time are active on social media, hence it’s important to have at least one active social media account of the company.
  • Reputation building – Know what people are saying about you. Solicit more reviews. When asked to review, most people write a positive review. When not asked, only unhappy people tend to write reviews. So, be at the top of your customer grievance handling game, and you’ll be respected in the market.
  • People are tired of traditional advertising – They have learned that they have a choice. 20% of internet users use an ad blocker online. Overwhelmingly, people flee websites that pop up annoying invites and ads when they first land on the page. People want respect. They want someone to provide them with information that helps them make informed decisions. They want to buy from brands that they relate to. It is important to present them with a balanced choice, this will not only make them appreciate your company but will connect them to you for a long time.

Digital marketing companies

In order to compete with the already existing big names in your field, you need digital marketing agencies to level the playing field for you. Forming the analytics in your favor and increasing your return on investment should be the priority. Having said this, building a brand and a reputation among your customer should be on the top of the list because that is what will sustain your business in the longer run.

Online marketing v/s Offline marketing

Young entrepreneurs are often faced with the dilemma of how to divide their resources between online and offline marketing, especially when starting out their funds are limited, this decision becomes even more crucial. Good return of investments is an important part of survival for a business, so weighing out all the options is essential.

Digital marketing companies

Comparing the conversion rates of Online and offline marketing

The businesses that are using online as the preferred mode of marketing are able to measure the conversion rate through real-time using a simple method. That is identifying the percentage of viewers who get converted into subscribers and in the end finally purchasing the service or product. SEO, Social media marketing and Email marketing are methods which have a high conversion rate as they are able to generate a quick and effective communication channel with the consumer. This is not equivalent to the spamming one’s email but a meaningful ad that attracts a customer to the product/ service. Surprisingly all the traffic that you may get on your website may not be fruitful hence digital marketing lets you reach out to only those who have the need for your kind of service hence offering better lead conversions.

Digital marketing agency Noida

Customer Service is the top priority

For any business to survive in the long run, the one thing that they really need to work upon is establishing a reputation which is impeccable. In the past few years, it has become evident that customers will always prefer a company which does not have any scandals associated with it. Importance of Digital marketing today lies in offering you multiple ways to establish a personal rapport with your customer base. Be it email marketing or social media you can always offer the customer solutions to their problems and make them relate to your product through quick email responses or follow-up on the requests. Your website and social media page can easily be converted into a place where the consumer can ask queries, give suggestions and hence take the association with you on a positive level. The hassle of visiting the store for every little problem is inconvenient and can be a major cause of a business losing its clients, hence providing them a solution in the comfort of their house is the way to go.

The need for an internet marketing agency that provides personalized digital marketing services for your demands has become the need of the hour. It is important that you choose a marketing firm that represents your company and the value that it stands for. Choose wisely!


Why you must take digital marketing seriously?

Well, for starters, cause marketing in general is serious business! How do you think people are going to buy your product if you don’t make suitable arrangements to get them out there for people to see? Many businesses seem to be forgetful as to how important an aspect marketing is to business prospects, and often rue the lack of marketing ploys at hand. Good marketing can bolster brand value and exposure in no time, and can create a healthy customer base that can keep your business alive and stable.

digital marketing agency in noida

Digital marketing is the newest kid on the block, purely speaking in marketing terms. It has opened up new avenues never fathomed before, in the sense that you mustn’t concern yourself with physical or tangible limitations such as geography, spreading POP material, taking the risk of opening new shops and stores simply to extend your marketing aspirations and so on. Most eyeballs in the world, or at least of those you’d like peeled onto your offering, are goggling about on the internet. They are most probably looking for, or have in mind, the same product or service that you intend to market and sell. Sounds like a tasty opportunity? Of course it is! With the right digital marketing tactics and strategies, you can immediately determine the best way to tap into the immense, almost infinite, potential of the internet.

Now that you understand how important and fruitful digital marketing can be, you must wonder how you could go about spreading your wings in that sphere. Well, it’s definitely not something you could learn in a day. You shall need specialists at work, like anything you do. Just like in the cases of ad agencies, digital marketing in itself is a specialised niche that requires digital marketing services in noida that understand it and have the requisite knowledge and experience to churn something productive out for you. If you’re running a full-fledged business, you’d definitely be keen on handing the responsibility of it to someone else while you get on with what you do best.

Given the innumerable digital ad agencies present in Noida or anywhere in India for a fact, you’d be spoilt for choice on paper when it comes to choosing the best digital ad agency for yourself. However, there’s a dearth of quality internet marketing firms around which means you’d also have a huge dilemma to tackle with. Fret not, however, as Toffee Pvt Ltd provides the best digital marketing services in Noida and has forged a reputation as an ad agency that understands digital media like no other digital marketing company does. If you want the best, then you have to choose from the best!

Digital Marketing over Traditional Marketing?

The internet is taking over the world. That is a fact that is very hard to argue about. Streaming services like YouTube, Netflix and Hotstar are killing broadcast TV while apps like In short are proving to be a good alternative to reading a newspaper and the only time people listen to radio is when they are traveling and forget to bring the AUX along with them. These fading platforms are the bread and butter of traditional marketing and it looks like the taste of people is rapidly changing. The time has come for companies to explore a newer form of marketing for this post-modernistic internet driven world. Enter Digital Marketing, which has all the benefits of traditional marketing and more.

best digital marketing company in noida

Digital Marketing and Why it’s better

While the era of traditional marketing is far from over, it’s time to acknowledge the fact that in most cases digital marketing is a better option. It’s cheaper, less-instructive and has proven to be more effective than traditional marketing. Websites like Google and Bing follow a cost-per-click structure when it comes to advertising, meaning that a company does not pay anything until a potential client actually clicks on their advert. Compare this to showing an ad on TV which will cost a lot and will probably only be seen by a very few actually potential customers. But the thing that really makes Digital Marketing outshine traditional marketing is that digital marketing campaigns and ads can be targeted directly at potential customers instead of a general audience which makes it far more efficient when it comes to the conversion rate.

But digital marketing isn’t as simple as it sounds. It has a lot of aspects like SEO, SMM, etc and deciding on and setting up a digital marketing campaign that is best your company can prove to be a herculean task. Fortunately, there are digital agencies that will do all of this for you.

digital marketing services in noida

A Digital Marketing Agency

A Digital marketing agency is a marketing firm that’s solely built for digital marketing. Companies can hire one of these agencies for all their digital marketing needs like running ads on social media, search engine optimization or even to set up and manage AdWord.

However not all digital marketing agencies are created equal and finding one that is actually good can be confusing. But you don’t need to worry; this article will point you in the right direction.

Toffee Pvt Ltd is quite arguably the best digital marketing agency in India. It strives to offer better digital marketing services in Noida than any other digital marketing company and at very reasonable prices. And it’s that passion that makes them stand apart. They design marketing campaigns and ads that are targeted exactly at potential customers and positioned on sites and apps in a manner that make it almost impossible for them to be ignored.

Click here to check out their website and see for yourself how enthusiastic they are about digital marketing and the standard of quality they promise.

Things to look for in an ideal digital marketing agency

Digital marketing is probably the fastest growing industry in the world right now. Advancement in technology has made people more dependent on the digital world and it has become an asset for all businesses to be a part of the digital marketing. But for most companies, it is not internally feasible to handle all the digital marketing related issues like strategizing, campaigning, taking feedbacks, and all of the other related needs either due to lack of knowledge or lack of time. Thus they look out for consulting and hiring a digital marketing agency for their brand or company which is extremely crucial in boosting their business. But there are certain things which need to be kept in mind when you are looking for a digital marketing agency:

digital marketing agencies in noida

1. Understanding of the services

Before choosing a digital marketing agency in noida for your brand, you must yourself know the goals your company needs to accomplish. Discuss with your team to strategize the action plan so that you have a good understanding of your marketing needs and you’re able to explain the same to the digital marketing agency you’re willing to hire. It’s important to understand how the services offered by the digital marketing agency can boost the sales of your business.

2. Look for the agency’s history and their reputation

Digital marketing has been around for quite some time now, thus, you must be very careful with trust factor. You cannot believe when a company tells you they have 40 years of experience and have an expertise in internet marketing strategies might not be so true. Also, if the company is older, they will be working for more companies, strategizing and analysing their market plan.

Other things that come under this category are services, certification and partnerships which will define the quality service of the company, awards- which will define their credibility and presence in the media news.

3. Look for their success rate

You cannot blind trust a digital marketing agency with your brand without taking proper reference and considering the ways in which they have previously helped the other clients. You must always ask the agency to show you all of their works and record so that you’re able to analyse the best benefits you can get from the agency.

4. Know all of their communication channels

You obviously have to know all of the ways in which the agency will handle your digital marketing. Understand the strengths and weaknesses of all your communication channels and know your target audience.

There 4 basic channels which you must focus upon:

  • Site – for evaluating the usability of the pages

  • Blog – Quality of contents has to be considered.

  • Social networks – Understand the type of posts, how to relate to the flowers, how to generate engagement, and production of image and vide,

  • SEO – Google results are extremely important for to analyse the distribution of keywords and the influence on site’s rankings.

5. Don’t overpay

Understand how much each instalment is going to cause your business much before you sign hiring any agency and don’t forget to compare with other of them.

Toffee Pvt. Ltd., a digital marketing agency in Noida, is one such company which provides best digital solutions to all their clients. With a team that shares years of experience in the digital domain, Toffee Pvt. Ltd. keeps a close tab on the latest trends in the digital space to deliver the best solutions to their clients.


Toffee Pvt. Ltd is the topmost digital marketing agency in India

In today’s date, digital channels are highly important for acquiring and retaining customers. This is due to the increased growth of digital marketing in the world. It is basically the advertising delivered through digital channels such as search engines, websites, social media, email and, mobile apps.

If you own a business, the chances are that you either already promote it on digital space or are willing to do so. For that, you will need assistance from a good digital marketing agency as they provide you a steady and reliable boost in your return on investment (ROI). Higher the ROI, higher will be your profits.

best digital marketing agencies in noida

There are a number of top digital marketing agencies in India which help you improve your business, by providing long-term sales growth. Toffee Pvt. Ltd. is questionably the best digital marketing agency in India. They are the ultimate solution provider for digital advertising and software. Their ability to uncover the underlying needs and motivations of customers and translating those intuitions into better ideas, is what makes them different from the rest of top digital marketing agencies in India. Their ideas are tangible, transformative and those which inspire!!

To excel in the world of Digital marketing, it is first important for you to have a proper digital strategy. Toffee Pvt. Ltd. does the work for you- efficiently and effectively:

  1. Discover the digital potential – It is important before heading into the digital marketing your research and plans to get the most out of your brand.
  2. Understand the audience – If you’re looking to develop a sustainable and effective website which will not only engage the audience but also generate leads, you need to profile and segment your target audience.
  3. Understand the current situation – To generate the leads online, they perform an initial audit of your digital environment to fully understand the activities and maximum profit that can be earned.
  4. Market and competition analysis – Study the market is again another developmental step to effective digital strategy.
  5. Refine objectives – It should be your priority to realise the key objectives and goals beforehand and clearly define the goal so that it can be reached without any obstacles.

How digital marketing at Tofee Pvt. Ltd works

At Toffee, there are customized set of actions, all related to latest trends, releases, and updates. They are as follows:

  1. Search Engine Optimization: They target and attract visitors to your website ensuring they your website ranks higher in the search engine.
  2. PPC Advertising: This is used in combination with SEO to help you gain instant result and highly targeted traffic.
  3. Display and Remarketing: Display marketing is a treasured source of recommendations in short-term and remarketing is used to re-engage your prior customers.
  4. Conversion rate optimization: It refers to the techniques that are used to optimize lead on a website.
  5. Analytics & MI Reporting: It unlocks data which is secretly hidden within your organization using advanced analytics.
  6. Social Advertising: They perform social advertising possibility based on your website’s demographics and your interests.
  7. Native Advertising: In this, the advertiser-sponsored content is designed as to combine with editorial content on publisher websites.
  8. Content and Email Marketing: In this, they create a content strategy for the inbound marketing campaigns, set up and the management of targeted email campaigns.

With Toffee Pvt. Ltd. you can take the level of your marketing, brand awareness, ROI, and the overall profitability to a whole new level. Thus, you must keep your hands on India’s best digital marketing company.