Digital Marketing in India | Toffee Pvt Ltd

Digital Agencies - Toffee Pvt Ltd

In this era, where crypto currencies have replaced paper currencies, shopping, ordering food, buying houses, and planning tours are done with the help of the Internet. Technology has propagated marketing in a variety of ways. To be specific, digital marketing is one such phenomenon which has made a statement in the online world already and has begun to show promising growth.

What is digital marketing?

Digital marketing is also termed as internet marketing. In simpler words, marketing for a company or business is done with the help of the Internet. Social media (like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram), YouTube, websites, E-mails, and smartphones are utilized for marketing. These digital channels will help with the promotion and advertisement of your business, brand, or product. Social media, search engines, smartphone applications, blogs, vlogs, and affiliate marketing, all come under digital agency.

Digital Agencies - Toffee Pvt Ltd

Growth of digital marketing over the years –

Digital marketing was introduced in India in the early 2000s. The sector has witnessed immense growth and positivity in the past five years. Many courses and coaching classes have come up, providing training to students in the field of digital marketing. It is contributing a significant percentage to our country’s GDP. Many MNCs and businesses have already digitized their entire marketing. Other budding businesses and small companies have partially utilized digital channels to expand and promote their products or company.

What are digital marketing agencies?

Some companies have their in-house digital marketing team who will handle the entire marketing. Small companies or budding businesses would find it difficult to maintain and run an entire digital marketing team. These companies take help from digital marketing agencies. These agencies provide services like SEO, SEM, SMM, website designing, PPC, Google Adwords, ORM, and many more. The company can take the help of the digital marketing agencies in India. You can hire the agency for a particular service or for handling complete digital marketing of your company. The agencies charge a nominal fee and provide effective results. Some of the best digital marketing companies and agencies are based in Noida.

Future of digital marketing in India –

Marketing companies have lost the race to digital marketing agencies. Technology is the future. It would be a wise decision to go with the flow. In the coming years, traditional marketing would be completely replaced by digital marketing. Most people have smartphones and access to the internet, which will further improvise this field. India is already witnessing tremendous growth in the field of digital marketing, giving rise to competition between established companies.

How to be relevant online?

How often is it that we come across an ad from a company that has an amazing product that could have interested us but the ad is so ineffective that it shatters our hope in the product as well. Well, it is the case with a much digital advertising agency that goes by the agenda that spamming will make their voice be heard and their product be appreciated, but it is genuinely quite the opposite.

Targeting the right audience and respectfully conveying the word about your product is the only way of earning the goodwill for the buyer.

digital marketing agency noida

Statistics show that only 45% of digital marketing is actually producing fruitful results. So, in today’s day and age random spamming won’t get your product/services anywhere, being relevant has become important.

To be relevant it is important that you –

  • Have a website which is attractive as well as user-friendly at the same time.
  • Invest in SEO so that you appear in search results from some keywords
  • About 60% people in today’s time are active on social media, hence it’s important to have at least one active social media account of the company.
  • Reputation building – Know what people are saying about you. Solicit more reviews. When asked to review, most people write a positive review. When not asked, only unhappy people tend to write reviews. So, be at the top of your customer grievance handling game, and you’ll be respected in the market.
  • People are tired of traditional advertising – They have learned that they have a choice. 20% of internet users use an ad blocker online. Overwhelmingly, people flee websites that pop up annoying invites and ads when they first land on the page. People want respect. They want someone to provide them with information that helps them make informed decisions. They want to buy from brands that they relate to. It is important to present them with a balanced choice, this will not only make them appreciate your company but will connect them to you for a long time.

Digital marketing companies

In order to compete with the already existing big names in your field, you need digital marketing agencies to level the playing field for you. Forming the analytics in your favor and increasing your return on investment should be the priority. Having said this, building a brand and a reputation among your customer should be on the top of the list because that is what will sustain your business in the longer run.

Why Toffee Pvt Ltd can sort out all your digital marketing compunctions

Marketing in itself is such a monumental task to take up, albeit a fruitful one for those who master its elliptical ways. Digital marketing has fairly recently come to the fore, or it might’ve been lurking somewhere in the shadows only to come to light now that the internet has begun to take centerstage, and is starting to look like a major force within the gamut of marketing. The importance of digital marketing has risen considerably in modern times, so much so that companies find themselves scrapping about looking for solutions to something that is an entirely new spectrum. And why not? It’s hard to overlook something that can almost overnight change the marketing landscape and provide companies a mode to reach out to present and potential customers like never possible before. Digital marketing can enable one to tap into the endless resources and possibilities the internet has to offer, and with the right combination of tact and intent, you can touch new ground in terms of exposure and interaction with your target audience.

digital marketing noida

Now, digital marketing company in noida isn’t something that everyone inherently knows. The segment in itself is a matter of specialisation, something only individuals who have studied and have attained valuable experience of the medium can actually undertake and do something productive with. It’s not like you can merely hand your business to some savvy teenager that regularly posts on his social media handle. Digital marketing isn’t quite as simple or limited to merely posting things and creating websites. There are nuances to it that only a specialised, experienced overseer can understand and utilize to one’s advantage. Many businesses hand over their digital marketing business to digital marketing agencies that simply do not hold the requisite knowledge and exposure to concepts that can make or break one’s digital marketing strategy.


Why Toffee Digital Ad Agency?


Toffee differentiates itself from the bunch as a best digital marketing agencies that understands the in’s and out’s of digital marketing, the nitty-gritty. Toffee comprises of immensely industrious and equally resourceful, creative individuals that strive to create a digital marketing experience which bolsters your business. Now, there are obviously a lot of digital marketing agencies in Noida. However, Toffee understands clientele needs fairly well, able to decipher underlying requirements and also having the perspicaciousness to gauge the best digital marketing strategy for its clients. The best digital ad agency must have the insight and the judgement to create a difference for you in the digital marketing realm, and Toffee possesses all of those sparkling qualities.

Digital Marketing over Traditional Marketing?

The internet is taking over the world. That is a fact that is very hard to argue about. Streaming services like YouTube, Netflix and Hotstar are killing broadcast TV while apps like In short are proving to be a good alternative to reading a newspaper and the only time people listen to radio is when they are traveling and forget to bring the AUX along with them. These fading platforms are the bread and butter of traditional marketing and it looks like the taste of people is rapidly changing. The time has come for companies to explore a newer form of marketing for this post-modernistic internet driven world. Enter Digital Marketing, which has all the benefits of traditional marketing and more.

best digital marketing company in noida

Digital Marketing and Why it’s better

While the era of traditional marketing is far from over, it’s time to acknowledge the fact that in most cases digital marketing is a better option. It’s cheaper, less-instructive and has proven to be more effective than traditional marketing. Websites like Google and Bing follow a cost-per-click structure when it comes to advertising, meaning that a company does not pay anything until a potential client actually clicks on their advert. Compare this to showing an ad on TV which will cost a lot and will probably only be seen by a very few actually potential customers. But the thing that really makes Digital Marketing outshine traditional marketing is that digital marketing campaigns and ads can be targeted directly at potential customers instead of a general audience which makes it far more efficient when it comes to the conversion rate.

But digital marketing isn’t as simple as it sounds. It has a lot of aspects like SEO, SMM, etc and deciding on and setting up a digital marketing campaign that is best your company can prove to be a herculean task. Fortunately, there are digital agencies that will do all of this for you.

digital marketing services in noida

A Digital Marketing Agency

A Digital marketing agency is a marketing firm that’s solely built for digital marketing. Companies can hire one of these agencies for all their digital marketing needs like running ads on social media, search engine optimization or even to set up and manage AdWord.

However not all digital marketing agencies are created equal and finding one that is actually good can be confusing. But you don’t need to worry; this article will point you in the right direction.

Toffee Pvt Ltd is quite arguably the best digital marketing agency in India. It strives to offer better digital marketing services in Noida than any other digital marketing company and at very reasonable prices. And it’s that passion that makes them stand apart. They design marketing campaigns and ads that are targeted exactly at potential customers and positioned on sites and apps in a manner that make it almost impossible for them to be ignored.

Click here to check out their website and see for yourself how enthusiastic they are about digital marketing and the standard of quality they promise.

Build Your Online Brand Presence With Online Marketing

With the advent of digitization and advancements in technology, internet today has been playing a major role in everybody’s life. People are using internet not just to post their daily updates or order food or clothing or other services but also to promote their business. Since most of the population today spends more than half of their time on the internet, marketers have found a platform to reach potential customers. Online marketing is a strategy to build a company’s reputation online by using tools and services to help it promote its business. Through online marketing, one can build a company’s presence online. With new brands coming up every day the competition has become extremely stiff. So, more and more brands today are relying on digital space to show their brand presence. best marketing agency

Through online marketing, one can deliver benefits like – potential growth in business, reduced expenses, elegant communications, better control and improved customer services. These benefits are achieved by following powerful tool and strategies. One can also refer to online marketing as digital marketing, internet marketing, web marketing and search engine marketing.

Online marketing helps a marketer to promote its business in more than one way. Creating brand awareness in digital space is one of the best tool to promote a business. Once the business has caught the attention of the desired target audience, it is likely to get a boost in its business sales.

Best online marketing company in India, like Toffee Pvt. Ltd, use powerful set of tools and technologies to create their brand presence over digital space to promote their products and services through the internet. Unlike traditional marketing techniques, they use a wide range of marketing elements due to extra channels and marketing mechanisms available on the internet.

Toffee Pvt ltd. provides solution in digital marketing and software development to various clients who want to make their brand’s mark on digital space. They work on carefully created strategies like understanding the digital potential of a client, their current graph and growth rate, their target audience and develop digital strategies based on this data.

digital marketing companies

They apply a customised set of actions, keeping in touch with the latest trends. They bring the attention of the target audience through Search engine marketing tools (SEM) and ensure long lasting visibility in search engines. Even if a person is looking for something on search engines through a mobile phone or pad, it will give the results of the websites which have the best strategized SEM.

Since there is a lot of stuff on the internet today, doing business online has become tough and to ensure your brand gets a strong presence both paid search -search engine marketing and SEO-search engine optimization is extremely important. Being the best internet marketing company in India, this is exactly where Toffee Pvt ltd can help you bring your brand on best search results of search engines, boosting your sales manifold. Apart from this, Toffee Pvt ltd is also into successful social advertising and content and e-mail marketing.