Digital Marketing in India | Toffee Pvt Ltd

Digital Agencies - Toffee Pvt Ltd

In this era, where crypto currencies have replaced paper currencies, shopping, ordering food, buying houses, and planning tours are done with the help of the Internet. Technology has propagated marketing in a variety of ways. To be specific, digital marketing is one such phenomenon which has made a statement in the online world already and has begun to show promising growth.

What is digital marketing?

Digital marketing is also termed as internet marketing. In simpler words, marketing for a company or business is done with the help of the Internet. Social media (like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram), YouTube, websites, E-mails, and smartphones are utilized for marketing. These digital channels will help with the promotion and advertisement of your business, brand, or product. Social media, search engines, smartphone applications, blogs, vlogs, and affiliate marketing, all come under digital agency.

Digital Agencies - Toffee Pvt Ltd

Growth of digital marketing over the years –

Digital marketing was introduced in India in the early 2000s. The sector has witnessed immense growth and positivity in the past five years. Many courses and coaching classes have come up, providing training to students in the field of digital marketing. It is contributing a significant percentage to our country’s GDP. Many MNCs and businesses have already digitized their entire marketing. Other budding businesses and small companies have partially utilized digital channels to expand and promote their products or company.

What are digital marketing agencies?

Some companies have their in-house digital marketing team who will handle the entire marketing. Small companies or budding businesses would find it difficult to maintain and run an entire digital marketing team. These companies take help from digital marketing agencies. These agencies provide services like SEO, SEM, SMM, website designing, PPC, Google Adwords, ORM, and many more. The company can take the help of the digital marketing agencies in India. You can hire the agency for a particular service or for handling complete digital marketing of your company. The agencies charge a nominal fee and provide effective results. Some of the best digital marketing companies and agencies are based in Noida.

Future of digital marketing in India –

Marketing companies have lost the race to digital marketing agencies. Technology is the future. It would be a wise decision to go with the flow. In the coming years, traditional marketing would be completely replaced by digital marketing. Most people have smartphones and access to the internet, which will further improvise this field. India is already witnessing tremendous growth in the field of digital marketing, giving rise to competition between established companies.

For sweet digital marketing solutions provider agency visit Toffee Pvt Ltd

Digital marketing agencies in India are a boon to all Indian companies trying to expand their reach on the digital marketplace. Toffee is such a marketing company in Noida. Toffee employs numerous techniques to attract your company’s target clientele in a cost-effective manner. This minimizes any loss your company may be facing and channels that capital to other marketing channels that will bring more profitable revenue.

Digital marketing companies make use of strategies to maximize your company’s exposure to the digital space. Search Engine Optimization, social advertising, analytics, and email marketing are a few of the strategies Toffee specializes in.

digital marketing agencies

Marketing companies use search engine optimization to target your client base and attract them to your company. Visitors are more likely to visit your page because of the lasting visibility on search engines due to search engine optimization.

Digital marketing agencies also use an internet advertising model called pay per click advertising. This is used in juxtaposition with search engine optimization. Toffee helps you gain quick results. This directs more traffic to your digital spaces in a cost-effective manner.

Digital marketing company Noida utilizes advanced analytics and management information to turn visitors to customers. Toffee analyses the data to measure the impact of your organization. With the advanced analytics and predictive modeling techniques, they provide valuable information regarding where to invest your funds to increase your customer reach.

Digital marketing agencies in India also use social advertising. In this age of social media, people of all ages and classes have at least one account on social media. Toffee performs feasibility studies on LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Based on the demographics and interests of the users studied, Toffee suggests which platform would increase your potential with your target demographics.

This digital marketing company in Noida helps develop strategies in content and email marketing. It is likely that people with social media accounts also have email accounts. Emails also give a perception of being personalized and directed to the target audience. Toffee develops inbound marketing strategies that will concentrate all your digital marketing strategies to align with a single goal. Furthermore, Toffee sets up and manages targeted email campaigns. Targeted email campaigns allow you to send messages relevant to a particular niche demographic. This generates a response and revenue and in turn, creates a relationship with the customer.

Toffee is here to help you devise efficient digital marketing strategies so you can concentrate on the quality of your products and services to attract more customers.

Digital Marketing over Traditional Marketing?

The internet is taking over the world. That is a fact that is very hard to argue about. Streaming services like YouTube, Netflix and Hotstar are killing broadcast TV while apps like In short are proving to be a good alternative to reading a newspaper and the only time people listen to radio is when they are traveling and forget to bring the AUX along with them. These fading platforms are the bread and butter of traditional marketing and it looks like the taste of people is rapidly changing. The time has come for companies to explore a newer form of marketing for this post-modernistic internet driven world. Enter Digital Marketing, which has all the benefits of traditional marketing and more.

best digital marketing company in noida

Digital Marketing and Why it’s better

While the era of traditional marketing is far from over, it’s time to acknowledge the fact that in most cases digital marketing is a better option. It’s cheaper, less-instructive and has proven to be more effective than traditional marketing. Websites like Google and Bing follow a cost-per-click structure when it comes to advertising, meaning that a company does not pay anything until a potential client actually clicks on their advert. Compare this to showing an ad on TV which will cost a lot and will probably only be seen by a very few actually potential customers. But the thing that really makes Digital Marketing outshine traditional marketing is that digital marketing campaigns and ads can be targeted directly at potential customers instead of a general audience which makes it far more efficient when it comes to the conversion rate.

But digital marketing isn’t as simple as it sounds. It has a lot of aspects like SEO, SMM, etc and deciding on and setting up a digital marketing campaign that is best your company can prove to be a herculean task. Fortunately, there are digital agencies that will do all of this for you.

digital marketing services in noida

A Digital Marketing Agency

A Digital marketing agency is a marketing firm that’s solely built for digital marketing. Companies can hire one of these agencies for all their digital marketing needs like running ads on social media, search engine optimization or even to set up and manage AdWord.

However not all digital marketing agencies are created equal and finding one that is actually good can be confusing. But you don’t need to worry; this article will point you in the right direction.

Toffee Pvt Ltd is quite arguably the best digital marketing agency in India. It strives to offer better digital marketing services in Noida than any other digital marketing company and at very reasonable prices. And it’s that passion that makes them stand apart. They design marketing campaigns and ads that are targeted exactly at potential customers and positioned on sites and apps in a manner that make it almost impossible for them to be ignored.

Click here to check out their website and see for yourself how enthusiastic they are about digital marketing and the standard of quality they promise.