Why you must take digital marketing seriously?

Well, for starters, cause marketing in general is serious business! How do you think people are going to buy your product if you don’t make suitable arrangements to get them out there for people to see? Many businesses seem to be forgetful as to how important an aspect marketing is to business prospects, and often rue the lack of marketing ploys at hand. Good marketing can bolster brand value and exposure in no time, and can create a healthy customer base that can keep your business alive and stable.

digital marketing agency in noida

Digital marketing is the newest kid on the block, purely speaking in marketing terms. It has opened up new avenues never fathomed before, in the sense that you mustn’t concern yourself with physical or tangible limitations such as geography, spreading POP material, taking the risk of opening new shops and stores simply to extend your marketing aspirations and so on. Most eyeballs in the world, or at least of those you’d like peeled onto your offering, are goggling about on the internet. They are most probably looking for, or have in mind, the same product or service that you intend to market and sell. Sounds like a tasty opportunity? Of course it is! With the right digital marketing tactics and strategies, you can immediately determine the best way to tap into the immense, almost infinite, potential of the internet.

Now that you understand how important and fruitful digital marketing can be, you must wonder how you could go about spreading your wings in that sphere. Well, it’s definitely not something you could learn in a day. You shall need specialists at work, like anything you do. Just like in the cases of ad agencies, digital marketing in itself is a specialised niche that requires digital marketing services in noida that understand it and have the requisite knowledge and experience to churn something productive out for you. If you’re running a full-fledged business, you’d definitely be keen on handing the responsibility of it to someone else while you get on with what you do best.

Given the innumerable digital ad agencies present in Noida or anywhere in India for a fact, you’d be spoilt for choice on paper when it comes to choosing the best digital ad agency for yourself. However, there’s a dearth of quality internet marketing firms around which means you’d also have a huge dilemma to tackle with. Fret not, however, as Toffee Pvt Ltd provides the best digital marketing services in Noida and has forged a reputation as an ad agency that understands digital media like no other digital marketing company does. If you want the best, then you have to choose from the best!

Why Toffee Pvt Ltd can sort out all your digital marketing compunctions

Marketing in itself is such a monumental task to take up, albeit a fruitful one for those who master its elliptical ways. Digital marketing has fairly recently come to the fore, or it might’ve been lurking somewhere in the shadows only to come to light now that the internet has begun to take centerstage, and is starting to look like a major force within the gamut of marketing. The importance of digital marketing has risen considerably in modern times, so much so that companies find themselves scrapping about looking for solutions to something that is an entirely new spectrum. And why not? It’s hard to overlook something that can almost overnight change the marketing landscape and provide companies a mode to reach out to present and potential customers like never possible before. Digital marketing can enable one to tap into the endless resources and possibilities the internet has to offer, and with the right combination of tact and intent, you can touch new ground in terms of exposure and interaction with your target audience.

digital marketing noida

Now, digital marketing company in noida isn’t something that everyone inherently knows. The segment in itself is a matter of specialisation, something only individuals who have studied and have attained valuable experience of the medium can actually undertake and do something productive with. It’s not like you can merely hand your business to some savvy teenager that regularly posts on his social media handle. Digital marketing isn’t quite as simple or limited to merely posting things and creating websites. There are nuances to it that only a specialised, experienced overseer can understand and utilize to one’s advantage. Many businesses hand over their digital marketing business to digital marketing agencies that simply do not hold the requisite knowledge and exposure to concepts that can make or break one’s digital marketing strategy.


Why Toffee Digital Ad Agency?


Toffee differentiates itself from the bunch as a best digital marketing agencies that understands the in’s and out’s of digital marketing, the nitty-gritty. Toffee comprises of immensely industrious and equally resourceful, creative individuals that strive to create a digital marketing experience which bolsters your business. Now, there are obviously a lot of digital marketing agencies in Noida. However, Toffee understands clientele needs fairly well, able to decipher underlying requirements and also having the perspicaciousness to gauge the best digital marketing strategy for its clients. The best digital ad agency must have the insight and the judgement to create a difference for you in the digital marketing realm, and Toffee possesses all of those sparkling qualities.

Your local digital marketing agency catering to the global needs

The realm of marketing grew out of proportion as soon as the businesses realized it’s potential of grabbing the market by the core. Ever since every small and big business has been trying to tame it. The reason behind this rat race is the sheer capability of digital marketing in altering the way a consumer thinks, or better yet, predicting the pattern of how a consumer think.

Digital marketing is a vast open field, it welcomes everyone but only a few reaches to the places they desired for. In the beginning, it’s the easiest form of marketing, one that you can do yourself. But as you progress and you want to prevent the progress from being stagnated, the terminologies and technicalities start to take a form that’s not really friendly to a layman. And being a business owner, you don’t really have time to read and analyse the internet and run the business at the same time.

The role of a Digital marketing agency or a digital ad agency starts when your business growth begins to stagnate. A good Internet marketing agency not only prevents the stagnation but also helps to grow a business exponentially, it can “run the business or shut the business.”

best digital marketing agencies

Benefits of a local digital marketing agency –

  1. Human interaction between you and the expert
    Imagine getting cured by the doctor that only interacts with you over a phone call, that will hardly be productive, right? Just like looking for a doctor or the best restaurant to eat in, a local digital marketing agency is all about human interaction and real-time service. You can sit with the experts, talk to them and they can relate better to you and your vision.

  2. Cost-effective
    With local digital marketing agency, keeping track of your funds is easier. Big firms work from distance, like bots and charge a fortune for a work they will do their way. With local digital marketing agency, you can have them work the way you want and you can easily split and allocate your expenses between different kinds of services, services that you want.

  3. They can function as a part of your own business
    They can be the extension of your own business, another team of experts working within your reach. They can become the part of your company’s culture and can function better with your sales team.

  4. Creativity
    You yourself can be a part of their creative team. You can give your inputs for a campaign or creative or a banner. And maybe they can also help transform your idea into a better advertisement.

  5. Alterations in no time
    if you don’t like a banner or a design or a creative or anything along those lines, you can get it altered in no time.

best seo agency in noida

SEO Company in Noida –

Toffee Pvt Ltd is probably the best digital marketing agency in Noida only because the support they provide to their clients. They provide every service that a digital marketing agency can provide but it’s their conduct, interaction and research team that sets them apart. “You don’t just want a good digital marketing agency. You want the best digital marketing agency with an empathetic approach to your vision.”

Digital Marketing over Traditional Marketing?

The internet is taking over the world. That is a fact that is very hard to argue about. Streaming services like YouTube, Netflix and Hotstar are killing broadcast TV while apps like In short are proving to be a good alternative to reading a newspaper and the only time people listen to radio is when they are traveling and forget to bring the AUX along with them. These fading platforms are the bread and butter of traditional marketing and it looks like the taste of people is rapidly changing. The time has come for companies to explore a newer form of marketing for this post-modernistic internet driven world. Enter Digital Marketing, which has all the benefits of traditional marketing and more.

best digital marketing company in noida

Digital Marketing and Why it’s better

While the era of traditional marketing is far from over, it’s time to acknowledge the fact that in most cases digital marketing is a better option. It’s cheaper, less-instructive and has proven to be more effective than traditional marketing. Websites like Google and Bing follow a cost-per-click structure when it comes to advertising, meaning that a company does not pay anything until a potential client actually clicks on their advert. Compare this to showing an ad on TV which will cost a lot and will probably only be seen by a very few actually potential customers. But the thing that really makes Digital Marketing outshine traditional marketing is that digital marketing campaigns and ads can be targeted directly at potential customers instead of a general audience which makes it far more efficient when it comes to the conversion rate.

But digital marketing isn’t as simple as it sounds. It has a lot of aspects like SEO, SMM, etc and deciding on and setting up a digital marketing campaign that is best your company can prove to be a herculean task. Fortunately, there are digital agencies that will do all of this for you.

digital marketing services in noida

A Digital Marketing Agency

A Digital marketing agency is a marketing firm that’s solely built for digital marketing. Companies can hire one of these agencies for all their digital marketing needs like running ads on social media, search engine optimization or even to set up and manage AdWord.

However not all digital marketing agencies are created equal and finding one that is actually good can be confusing. But you don’t need to worry; this article will point you in the right direction.

Toffee Pvt Ltd is quite arguably the best digital marketing agency in India. It strives to offer better digital marketing services in Noida than any other digital marketing company and at very reasonable prices. And it’s that passion that makes them stand apart. They design marketing campaigns and ads that are targeted exactly at potential customers and positioned on sites and apps in a manner that make it almost impossible for them to be ignored.

Click here to check out their website and see for yourself how enthusiastic they are about digital marketing and the standard of quality they promise.

Why Web Designing is the backbone of your business’ growth

In today’s day and age, having a website is one of the most fundamental processes for any business. With most traffic being driven via the internet, the likeliest place a consumer will stumble upon your services is the internet itself. Your website will be the first impression you create on the potential client, and as we all know, it’s human nature to have first impressions last for a long time. Thus, to convert a potential client into a client, it’s especially key to have a great website – one which is easy on the eye, easy to use, yet informative of all your services. If you grab their eyeballs through your website, it is likely they will use your services. Thus, web designing forms the very backbone of your site, and your business’ success. Because of this, it is important to hire the best web designing services to lay down the foundation of your website.

custom web development services

Toffee Pvt Ltd provides a vast variety of web designing services to help you maximize your output from your website. In today’s day and age, it is impossible for businesses to make a lasting impact without a tangible digital presence. With Toffee’s services, you can now harness the unstoppable beast that is technology, to drive more and more consumers to your services. Toffee Pvt Ltd, industry experts, can plot cutting-edge and reliable custom web development services in India for your business, flexible according to your business’ needs and purpose.

It’s important to go above and beyond – and Toffee Pvt Ltd does just that. Not only web development – Toffee also plots strategies for your web presence, implementation and end-to-end management of all your technology programs. With Toffee’s experience across industries, the finest minds in your industries will be at your disposal – which makes it one of the best website designing company in Noida. Be it a PHP developing company you’re looking for, Toffee Pvt Ltd is at your service.

Custom website development

Along with custom website development, Toffee also provides for web application development, enterprise portal development, E-Business solutions and content management systems. Looking to take your business to the hand held sphere? Try our mobile apps development services, where your mobile app can be developed in a customizable manner – as well as maintained to perfection.

You’ve put in a lot of effort brainstorming and pitching your business idea. Now, to take it to the next level, you require an impactful website. Form the backbone of your success with Toffee Pvt Ltd’.

This is what makes toffee the best digital marketing company in Noida

With growth in digital marketing, the need for digital marketing agencies has also grown in order to help brands and companies to attain maximum profit in the online marketing world. However, this has led to mushrooming of numerous digital marketing agencies in Noida and in other parts of the country as well. Some of them only work for their profit and have no sense of responsibility or credibility towards their clients. Therefore, if you don’t want to get caught in such a mess, it’s very important that you wisely choose the right digital marketing agency out of the many digital marketing agencies in Noida.

Internet marketing agency - Toffee Pvt Ltd

Toffee pvt. Ltd. is the best digital marketing company in Noida and your one-stop destination for all digital marketing related woes. Below are the points that validate the statement.

1. A high-class team

When you decide for a digital marketing agency for your brand, you must meet their entire team as well. Since every team succeeds only when they have a team of professionals having years of experience, knowledge, understanding of collaboration, and responsibility implements the tasks effectively.
Meeting the targets under deadlines and understanding client’s requirement comes under their usual work ethics.

2. High expectations

A trustworthy and reliable digital marketing agency would identify the importance of their clients, no matter how much they would be charging for their services. Despite agreeing on certain terms and conditions financially, their team would still accomplish their best, be creative and would do every possible effort in implementing the newest ideas for your brand’s development. They either are well versed with the latest digital marketing trends or set new trends by themselves. They know the market competition and thus ensure to set the expectations high.

3. Problem solvers

Your requirement or business goal might be very different from what they’ve undertaken earlier, still they would easily find out ways to help you achieve them and this is exactly what sets them apart. Being a problem solver is one of the necessary traits to possess. If the digital marketing agencies in noida is solution-oriented, it wouldn’t matter even if any of the projects aren’t going smoothly because they will certainly find a way to deal with the glitches. They will be quick enough to recognize the errors, rectify them and deliver the work on time.

4. Own the right tools

A good agency must be familiar with each and every digital marketing tool that can establish your presence in the online marketing world. Thus, before you finalise the agency you’re going to work with, make sure to ask them about the tools they use and work with. Major tools of digital marketing are SEO, social medium marketing, content marketing, email marketing, PPC, etc. Also understand their expertise on each of the tools and how long they have been using it for.

5. Global audience

It doesn’t matter what the current position of your business is, you will definitely like to expand it globally in the future, thus hiring an agency which has a global-level contact can real help you build the network. A reputed marketing agency knows how to connect to people globally. They understand their audience, their behaviours, and interests and come up with a broader customer base.

This digital agency can boost the sales of your business

It’s true that digital marketing has emerged out to be the biggest sensation of this millennium. Plus, digital marketing has actually become the saviour for all type of businesses. Largely, it is a set of tools and marketing strategies which is required to promote brands and services through the internet medium. From small businesses to big firms, every company is having the same agenda for their survival which is of course- ‘profit’ and digital marketing is definitely helping them to accomplish it. The entrepreneurs and marketers know that the World is on the path of the digitalization and so are their customers.

digital marketing agencies in noida

But all companies, are not able to utilise their digital marketing strategies to their maximum benefit, bigger ones, because of lack of time and smaller ones, due to their lack of knowledge. This is where marketing agencies come into picture. There are numerous ad agencies in Noida but Toffee Pvt. Ltd. is apparently the best digital marketing agency in India.

This is how Toffee Pvt. Ltd. the ad agency in Noida guides you to achieve all of your digital marketing goals:

1. Making online presence

The first step, obviously, is to make your presence on the internet. You must make a business profile which you can promote through various social media channels. There are about 500 million internet users in India which is why promoting a business over internet can boost sales.

2. Use social media paid promotions to your advantage

Paid promotions on Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, LinkedIn ads, and others can fetch maximum attention to your business in the easiest and strongest way possible. All you need to do is simply register your brand for paid promotions and utilise it to advertise your brand as much as possible and as far as possible.

3. Pay per click

PPC is the perfect platform that delivers the desired sales and inquiries. If you are not following PPC strategy for your business, you may be losing out at least 10-15% of people that click on sponsored Ads which can lead to a huge amount of loss in the long run.

4. SEO

Search Engine Optimization is an extremely worthy marketing tactic and has really triggered the nerves of the marketers. It is a content based marketing which drives natural traffic and sales towards your website.

5. Creating and sharing video content

Video branding is currently the main medium if you want to convey your brand’s message. People spend more than 5 hours a day viewing video content online and making buying decisions. This is because video content gives more visualization and human touch than any other content sharing tactic.

6. Focus on Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is the most important part of digital marketing and garners maximum traffic. It is the best place to publicise your content and promote your products and services. Maximum people who use internet spend most of their time scrolling through the social media websites, thus, giving maximum benefit.

7. Enhance Email Marketing

Email marketing can be used to its ultimate advantage when sent to a perfect data at the perfect time. People believe upon the authentication of a product when the notification is received via email. Thus, using email marketing is a crucial part of digital marketing.

Toffee Pvt. Ltd. is the best digital marketing agency in Noida as they are the finest solution providers in digital advertising. They have an ability to discover the needs and demands of their customers and put their ideas to best implementation possible! If you’re willing to promote your business through an online marketing strategist, you must consider this ad agency in Noida as your no. 1 choice!

Things to look for in an ideal digital marketing agency

Digital marketing is probably the fastest growing industry in the world right now. Advancement in technology has made people more dependent on the digital world and it has become an asset for all businesses to be a part of the digital marketing. But for most companies, it is not internally feasible to handle all the digital marketing related issues like strategizing, campaigning, taking feedbacks, and all of the other related needs either due to lack of knowledge or lack of time. Thus they look out for consulting and hiring a digital marketing agency for their brand or company which is extremely crucial in boosting their business. But there are certain things which need to be kept in mind when you are looking for a digital marketing agency:

digital marketing agencies in noida

1. Understanding of the services

Before choosing a digital marketing agency in noida for your brand, you must yourself know the goals your company needs to accomplish. Discuss with your team to strategize the action plan so that you have a good understanding of your marketing needs and you’re able to explain the same to the digital marketing agency you’re willing to hire. It’s important to understand how the services offered by the digital marketing agency can boost the sales of your business.

2. Look for the agency’s history and their reputation

Digital marketing has been around for quite some time now, thus, you must be very careful with trust factor. You cannot believe when a company tells you they have 40 years of experience and have an expertise in internet marketing strategies might not be so true. Also, if the company is older, they will be working for more companies, strategizing and analysing their market plan.

Other things that come under this category are services, certification and partnerships which will define the quality service of the company, awards- which will define their credibility and presence in the media news.

3. Look for their success rate

You cannot blind trust a digital marketing agency with your brand without taking proper reference and considering the ways in which they have previously helped the other clients. You must always ask the agency to show you all of their works and record so that you’re able to analyse the best benefits you can get from the agency.

4. Know all of their communication channels

You obviously have to know all of the ways in which the agency will handle your digital marketing. Understand the strengths and weaknesses of all your communication channels and know your target audience.

There 4 basic channels which you must focus upon:

  • Site – for evaluating the usability of the pages

  • Blog – Quality of contents has to be considered.

  • Social networks – Understand the type of posts, how to relate to the flowers, how to generate engagement, and production of image and vide,

  • SEO – Google results are extremely important for to analyse the distribution of keywords and the influence on site’s rankings.

5. Don’t overpay

Understand how much each instalment is going to cause your business much before you sign hiring any agency and don’t forget to compare with other of them.

Toffee Pvt. Ltd., a digital marketing agency in Noida, is one such company which provides best digital solutions to all their clients. With a team that shares years of experience in the digital domain, Toffee Pvt. Ltd. keeps a close tab on the latest trends in the digital space to deliver the best solutions to their clients.


5 important tips to choose the best digital marketing firm for your business

As per the Internet And Mobile Association Of India, the number of internet users in India is about to reach a mark of whopping 500 million which is why every business is trying to pave its way in the digital world. With these gigantic numbers, the opportunities for digital promotion and digital marketing are immense today.

Digital marketing is a tool that allows manufacturers, retailers and service providers to reach out to masses to promote their product and give them desired services. But unlike traditional forms of marketing which involved door to door announcements, digital marketing is done via an online presence which has become fairly simple for brands today since increasing number of people are now able to access internet through their mobiles and tablets. The biggest advantage of digital marketing agencies is that it holds no geographical boundaries, you can sell your products and services to any part of the world that too at a very affordable cost. Today having an online presence for a brand is a must to reach potential customers to keep them engaged with relevant information and to give them desired services.

digital agencies

With the help of digital marketing and search engine optimization, marketers can now understand their target audience and understand what their demands are and effectively serve them with their services. This further helps them to grow their business and boost their sales.

The awareness about digital marketing and its advantages has led to the growth of digital marketing agencies in India. But this has also increased the incidents of scams and frauds of some digital marketing agencies that add no value to their clients’ businesses. Today, many brands spend millions to create their online presence and on digital marketing campaigns and deciding for a good digital marketing agency can be a daunting task since too many agencies are mushrooming these days.

Here are few ways that can help you choose the best digital marketing firm for your company:

1) While looking for a digital marketing agency, look out for the nature and the variety of services that they offer and see if that suits your needs. Prefer those agencies that offer as many digital services as possible, all under one roof. This is because you can give all your digital requirements to one agency which will save you from the trouble and time that goes in going to one agency and other for different services.
A good digital advertising agency offers you services like-

#Web design and development,
#Mobile marketing,
#Search engine optimization and marketing (SEO and SEM)
#E-mail marketing
#Social media marketing
#Online advertisement
#Online reputation management

2) Check for portfolios and testimonials of the agency

A good digital marketing agency will have portfolios of clients that have benefitted from them. A good clientele is a great way to check the authenticity and efficiency of an agency in the world of digital marketing.

3) Online presence

A digital marketing agency would have a good online presence. Check for their social media pages and their followers. This will help you to understand an agency’s online reputation

4) Google search

Type the agency’s name in the google search box and you will find a great deal of information about it which would include reviews and feedbacks.

5) Support

It is important to choose a digital marketing agency that provides a good support to its clients. It’s important to have a meeting with an agency to see how much knowledge their team has. This will help you to understand if they are worth investing in or not.

Toffee Pvt Ltd can help your brand boost sales through its digital marketing strategy

Digital marketing is advertising your brand or products or services through digital channels such as search engines, websites, social media and e-mail. With advent of digitization and breakthroughs in technology everything today has moved from physical to digital. Today every business wants to build their brand presence on digital space. No matter what products or services your brand provides, you need digital marketing to boost your sales and services.

So if you are an entrepreneur or a business owner and wondering if you really need digital advertisers then we will tell you why you must take the services of a top digital marketing agency to boost your business.

Digital marketing helps to create your presence over search engines and popular social media websites. Also It involves sending e-mails to the target audience.

marketing agency in noida

Top digital marketing agency like Toffee Pvt Ltd. will understand and filter out the target audience according to a brand’s products and services and send marketing e-mails to them. This also helps to generate a feedback from the consumers to improve the products and services.

Toffee digital marketing agency helps your brand by generating new leads every day and convert old leads into sales. This helps a brand to grow their customer base and boost their sales and services.

Through digital marketing agencies, one can give their brand a continuous awareness amongst the masses. So even if a brand does not hold an online store but an offline store, digital marketing can help the brand to generate online leads for their offline sales. Through digital marketing one can pull the traffic, convert this traffic into lead and these leads into sales.

Also for a good digital marketing of a brand, one requires a good content. Great content acts as a catalyst when it comes to good digital marketing practices. A good content works as a key pillar of SEO, helps you get noticed through social media, it helps to give customers something of value, something that they can relate to. So creating a content which is worth reading and that can inspire an individual to buy a product or services works amazing in digital marketing . Toffee Pvt Ltd. is the best digital marketing agency India because it provides the best and resourceful content to its clients that aims their target audience.

Apart from content marketing, social media marketing is also an important activity for digital marketing. Today internet plays a major role in everyone’s life. People rely on internet for every information and review. Many good social networking websites give informative content to their viewers about a brand to help customers relate to the brand in a more efficient way. Social media marketing helps the brands to create peer to peer connectivity. The more the audience engages with a content the more likely it is to relate with a brand or service and the more likely the sales will boost for that brand. It also helps to spread a word of mouth about the brand. So social media marketing is the most cost effective tool for a marketer to reach out to masses to promote their brand and improve their sales. Toffee Pvt Ltd. will help you get the best digital marketing, social media marketing and content marketing strategies for your brand.