Digital Marketing in India | Toffee Pvt Ltd

Digital Agencies - Toffee Pvt Ltd

In this era, where crypto currencies have replaced paper currencies, shopping, ordering food, buying houses, and planning tours are done with the help of the Internet. Technology has propagated marketing in a variety of ways. To be specific, digital marketing is one such phenomenon which has made a statement in the online world already and has begun to show promising growth.

What is digital marketing?

Digital marketing is also termed as internet marketing. In simpler words, marketing for a company or business is done with the help of the Internet. Social media (like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram), YouTube, websites, E-mails, and smartphones are utilized for marketing. These digital channels will help with the promotion and advertisement of your business, brand, or product. Social media, search engines, smartphone applications, blogs, vlogs, and affiliate marketing, all come under digital agency.

Digital Agencies - Toffee Pvt Ltd

Growth of digital marketing over the years –

Digital marketing was introduced in India in the early 2000s. The sector has witnessed immense growth and positivity in the past five years. Many courses and coaching classes have come up, providing training to students in the field of digital marketing. It is contributing a significant percentage to our country’s GDP. Many MNCs and businesses have already digitized their entire marketing. Other budding businesses and small companies have partially utilized digital channels to expand and promote their products or company.

What are digital marketing agencies?

Some companies have their in-house digital marketing team who will handle the entire marketing. Small companies or budding businesses would find it difficult to maintain and run an entire digital marketing team. These companies take help from digital marketing agencies. These agencies provide services like SEO, SEM, SMM, website designing, PPC, Google Adwords, ORM, and many more. The company can take the help of the digital marketing agencies in India. You can hire the agency for a particular service or for handling complete digital marketing of your company. The agencies charge a nominal fee and provide effective results. Some of the best digital marketing companies and agencies are based in Noida.

Future of digital marketing in India –

Marketing companies have lost the race to digital marketing agencies. Technology is the future. It would be a wise decision to go with the flow. In the coming years, traditional marketing would be completely replaced by digital marketing. Most people have smartphones and access to the internet, which will further improvise this field. India is already witnessing tremendous growth in the field of digital marketing, giving rise to competition between established companies.

For sweet digital marketing solutions provider agency visit Toffee Pvt Ltd

Digital marketing agencies in India are a boon to all Indian companies trying to expand their reach on the digital marketplace. Toffee is such a marketing company in Noida. Toffee employs numerous techniques to attract your company’s target clientele in a cost-effective manner. This minimizes any loss your company may be facing and channels that capital to other marketing channels that will bring more profitable revenue.

Digital marketing companies make use of strategies to maximize your company’s exposure to the digital space. Search Engine Optimization, social advertising, analytics, and email marketing are a few of the strategies Toffee specializes in.

digital marketing agencies

Marketing companies use search engine optimization to target your client base and attract them to your company. Visitors are more likely to visit your page because of the lasting visibility on search engines due to search engine optimization.

Digital marketing agencies also use an internet advertising model called pay per click advertising. This is used in juxtaposition with search engine optimization. Toffee helps you gain quick results. This directs more traffic to your digital spaces in a cost-effective manner.

Digital marketing company Noida utilizes advanced analytics and management information to turn visitors to customers. Toffee analyses the data to measure the impact of your organization. With the advanced analytics and predictive modeling techniques, they provide valuable information regarding where to invest your funds to increase your customer reach.

Digital marketing agencies in India also use social advertising. In this age of social media, people of all ages and classes have at least one account on social media. Toffee performs feasibility studies on LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Based on the demographics and interests of the users studied, Toffee suggests which platform would increase your potential with your target demographics.

This digital marketing company in Noida helps develop strategies in content and email marketing. It is likely that people with social media accounts also have email accounts. Emails also give a perception of being personalized and directed to the target audience. Toffee develops inbound marketing strategies that will concentrate all your digital marketing strategies to align with a single goal. Furthermore, Toffee sets up and manages targeted email campaigns. Targeted email campaigns allow you to send messages relevant to a particular niche demographic. This generates a response and revenue and in turn, creates a relationship with the customer.

Toffee is here to help you devise efficient digital marketing strategies so you can concentrate on the quality of your products and services to attract more customers.

Digital advertising agency – what and why

Digital marketing is taking the world by a storm. Saying as much would be the understatement of the century. Its effect on all facets of sales and marketing is apparent in the way advertising has evolved since the advent of the internet. Gone are the days when sales conversions depended solely on newspaper ads and TV slots. Today, everything is online, including advertisements. Which is why digital advertising, otherwise known as online advertising, is one of the most sought after components of digital marketing. As such, two questions arise:

Digital marketing agencies

What is digital advertising? What does a digital marketing agency do?

Digital advertising is advertising done through the internet. It comes under the umbrella that digital marketing is, and utilizes popular platforms like Facebook, YouTube, etc., to create and spread the awareness of a brand. That is why most digital marketing services in Noida provide a myriad of advertising options. Although its aim is similar to traditional advertising, the two have some differences.

Digital advertising gives you real-time results and data on how your ads are running, unlike its traditional counterpart, which uses interruption to reach the target audience with minimal chance of tracking reactions to the ads. The result? You know what works where and what doesn’t, and can shape your strategies accordingly. The ability to personalize increases the ROI (return of investment) while saving the overall expenditure.

Digital Agency in Noida

Digital advertising involves any advertisement online and digital spaces, be it on websites or applications. Most of the best digital marketing company in Noida offers services like SMM (social media marketing), PPC (pay-per-click), CPP (cost-per-click), among other online ads channels. All these services constitute digital advertising.
A digital advertising agency caters to the sales and growth needs of a brand using all these services. Most companies combine it with digital marketing aspects like SEO for a well-rounded result. When used together, the two strengthen the online presence of a brand, attracting increasing traction.

Digital advertising agencies are sought after by most companies due to its affordability. You can go as far as calling it small business’ best friend because they are the ones who benefit the most from the lower expense of online ads. Moreover, digital ad campaigns are flexible and traceable. You can observe real-time results through various tools. Similarly, you can tweak the campaign according to the current needs at a fraction of the costs of traditional advertising. All these contribute to higher profit that brands get from online advertisements.

Digital Marketing Companies In Noida

We all know the most preached fact of life, ‘change is the only constant’, which actually holds true in every situation of life. In our life, change is the only factor which we can see transmute. Be it emotional, physical or technical but everything and every person in life changes. Similarly, we have witnessed a huge change in the world of marketing as well. From an owner’s viewpoint as well as that of the buyers’, change has played an important role in life every business today. Those who have made the most, have succeeded. Those who haven’t, have failed or are struggling. Change, as they say, is an expensive concept. However, no change is considered more expensive.

Best Digital Marketing Company

The world of marketing has evolved tremendously over the past few years. The businesses have had a digital transformation. As the buyers and consumers are moving online, online presence has become the key factor in determining the success of the company. With the help of digital media agency, it has become easier for companies to convey their mission and vision to their buyers. It has also helped in building brand awareness and customer engagement, the two very important principals of digital marketing. Having a community of people who trust you makes the process of selling easy.

Consistency is another key area to be kept in mind. Consumers have the liberty to go from one website to another. Brand Consistency ensures that they purchase your product. Social Media, a platform which can make or break your business, is highly influential. Being able to cater to the needs of the customers will make them follow suit. Authenticity also, cannot be comprised. Credibility and Authenticity will not only increase your sales but also help to build a lifelong family.

Digital Marketing Company in Noida

However, most businesses find it difficult to embrace this platform. Some don’t have the knowledge and some don’t have the expertise. They may be using the wrong strategy which may not work their business. With the help of a digital marketing company in Noida, this process becomes very easy. These digital marketing agencies in India are expert in understanding what suits your business the best. They possess the required knowledge which helps businesses grow digitally. These marketing companies in Noida use the right marketing strategy for your business with their knowledge of Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Marketing making the most of Social Media platforms, Blogs, Websites, Emails, Quora, etc to find the right fit.

Why digital advertising agencies are the best way to go

It seems that there is no limit to the number of Digital Advertising Agencies popping up here in India. With a massive and thriving economy here, that had been anticipated since most services are now based online. A large number of firms focus greatly on Digital Marketing which is a means to disperse the name your brand that you have invested a lot of time into. Because in a highly competitive market like this, who doesn’t want to stand out of the crowd?

digital marketing agencies in noida

Optimizing your expanse-

Small business owners together constitute a large part of the economy. Making sure that word gets around that your company has a fabulous reputation can be ensured with the assistance of a Digital Marketing Agency. If you belong to the Indian subcontinent, look no further than some of the marvelous digital marketing agencies in Noida!

Making sure that understanding the sentiments of a business is a crucial need that can be facilitated with the guidance of these agencies. With substantial surveillance into every crook and cranny, these agencies make sure that your brand washes over the eyes of your target consumer!

Multiple Birds, One stone

Many of you may think that these agencies, especially some of the best digital marketing companies in Noida, come with a heavy price-tag. But consider it, multiple issues are tackled with the help of specialized agencies with a robust understanding of the market.

Digital Strategy-

A great man once said, “A goal without a plan is just a wish”. Truer words have never been spoken. Planning out your road-map is one of the many facilities provided by these agencies. An excellent digital advertising agency will implement a valuable strategy that will ensure successful advancements with your brand.

A strategy can a turn an aimless wanderer into a purposeful adventurer. So it is made sure that your firm has a feasible strategy that can be followed.

Digital Agency Noida

Digital Analytics-

Ah! Numbers. Numbers can do wonderful things when placed in desirable manners. Feast your eyes upon the glory that statistics provide to us in thousands of forms. Histograms, Bar diagrams and everyone’s favorite, Pie Charts, provide a client with a fruitful outlook into how well his/her firm is doing. Analysing data found from the vast depths of the internet is how most Agencies operate. Individuals with a knack for analysing all this data can almost always predict what they should do right the next time to hit a bigger audience, especially in a dynamic market like this, they’ve always got your back!

Web and Software development-

Technology changes almost every day and with advancements that are easy to miss, specialized individuals are required to share what you do best to the consumer. In addition to the look and feel of your project, security is also guaranteed. Important components such as Web Application Development, E-Business solutions and Content Management systems are some of the few things that digital marketing agency have to offer!

Local digital marketing agency – A boon

In India, a little over 50 percent of the population is below the age of 25. Millennial or the generation second to millennial is known to be tech-savvy — by tech-savvy we mean they can work their way around technology without feeling completely lost. This also means that the option of online shopping is not a ridiculous notion anymore. This change has given rise to many brands (big or small), opening doors for quality product and services.

Digital agencies have provided an outlook for the brands/companies to switch to promoting their business online. An important aspect of digital marketing is inbound marketing wherein you attract customers/users to your product/ service via content marketing, social media marketing, search engine optimization, and branding.

digital marketing companies in noida

This can be a bit hard for the owner to run the company, manage the employees while providing quality services to the customers. In addition to this, the person might not even have the expertise required to be able to sell the product in a reasonable manner. This can be made easier by digital marketing agency Noida, as they have the relevant experience to keep the brand relevant for a long time and they provide personalized strategies to reach the numbers that the company desires.

It is also necessary for the brand to understand the audiences they want to target. Millennial are the people using internet the most these days, but not all products are targeted towards them. Some are meant for middle-aged or even old people. Hence, the promotion of these products on social media would do very little good as the target audience is not active here instead advertise it on websites visited often by these people. This is something that a local digital marketing agency can help you with, to narrow down the relevant sites and move towards reaching the goal.

Now, promoting is one thing but convert those hits on the website into actual sales is a completely other. The content on your website must be luring enough (well as so your products) to make it impossible for the customer to not buy it. Apart from that, the grievance handling must be top notch so the customers feel heard and it increases their trust in the brand.

With the pace at which digital marketing institutes are being established and the pace at which people are turning towards digital marketing agencies in Noida, it has become evident that it has become a hub for new companies to learn the right way to create a name for their brand. Any company can work with good services/ product and marketing so it is about time you try your luck out too.

How to be relevant online?

How often is it that we come across an ad from a company that has an amazing product that could have interested us but the ad is so ineffective that it shatters our hope in the product as well. Well, it is the case with a much digital advertising agency that goes by the agenda that spamming will make their voice be heard and their product be appreciated, but it is genuinely quite the opposite.

Targeting the right audience and respectfully conveying the word about your product is the only way of earning the goodwill for the buyer.

digital marketing agency noida

Statistics show that only 45% of digital marketing is actually producing fruitful results. So, in today’s day and age random spamming won’t get your product/services anywhere, being relevant has become important.

To be relevant it is important that you –

  • Have a website which is attractive as well as user-friendly at the same time.
  • Invest in SEO so that you appear in search results from some keywords
  • About 60% people in today’s time are active on social media, hence it’s important to have at least one active social media account of the company.
  • Reputation building – Know what people are saying about you. Solicit more reviews. When asked to review, most people write a positive review. When not asked, only unhappy people tend to write reviews. So, be at the top of your customer grievance handling game, and you’ll be respected in the market.
  • People are tired of traditional advertising – They have learned that they have a choice. 20% of internet users use an ad blocker online. Overwhelmingly, people flee websites that pop up annoying invites and ads when they first land on the page. People want respect. They want someone to provide them with information that helps them make informed decisions. They want to buy from brands that they relate to. It is important to present them with a balanced choice, this will not only make them appreciate your company but will connect them to you for a long time.

Digital marketing companies

In order to compete with the already existing big names in your field, you need digital marketing agencies to level the playing field for you. Forming the analytics in your favor and increasing your return on investment should be the priority. Having said this, building a brand and a reputation among your customer should be on the top of the list because that is what will sustain your business in the longer run.

Online marketing v/s Offline marketing

Young entrepreneurs are often faced with the dilemma of how to divide their resources between online and offline marketing, especially when starting out their funds are limited, this decision becomes even more crucial. Good return of investments is an important part of survival for a business, so weighing out all the options is essential.

Digital marketing companies

Comparing the conversion rates of Online and offline marketing

The businesses that are using online as the preferred mode of marketing are able to measure the conversion rate through real-time using a simple method. That is identifying the percentage of viewers who get converted into subscribers and in the end finally purchasing the service or product. SEO, Social media marketing and Email marketing are methods which have a high conversion rate as they are able to generate a quick and effective communication channel with the consumer. This is not equivalent to the spamming one’s email but a meaningful ad that attracts a customer to the product/ service. Surprisingly all the traffic that you may get on your website may not be fruitful hence digital marketing lets you reach out to only those who have the need for your kind of service hence offering better lead conversions.

Digital marketing agency Noida

Customer Service is the top priority

For any business to survive in the long run, the one thing that they really need to work upon is establishing a reputation which is impeccable. In the past few years, it has become evident that customers will always prefer a company which does not have any scandals associated with it. Importance of Digital marketing today lies in offering you multiple ways to establish a personal rapport with your customer base. Be it email marketing or social media you can always offer the customer solutions to their problems and make them relate to your product through quick email responses or follow-up on the requests. Your website and social media page can easily be converted into a place where the consumer can ask queries, give suggestions and hence take the association with you on a positive level. The hassle of visiting the store for every little problem is inconvenient and can be a major cause of a business losing its clients, hence providing them a solution in the comfort of their house is the way to go.

The need for an internet marketing agency that provides personalized digital marketing services for your demands has become the need of the hour. It is important that you choose a marketing firm that represents your company and the value that it stands for. Choose wisely!


Why Toffee Pvt Ltd should be your first choice for SEO and PPC advertising

Marketing in itself is such an abstruse, yet fascinatingly adaptive, the largesse of various factors that it continues to absorb modern day tropes and trends to the extent that marketing has seeped into every aspect of our lives. Marketers tend to pick up on any and every fad or ongoing trend in society and repurpose them into bulwarks to propel marketing strategies towards fulfilling tangible goals. Marketing, therefore, moves with the times.

PPC agency in Noida

Digital Marketing is the newest spawn of marketing and another foray made by marketing in an attempt to tap into every medium or mode that can enable them to attain considerable exposure. Digital marketing is the most lucrative in that sense, given the almost infinite potential, it holds in terms of what you can do it and how most barriers posed by the physical world don’t really apply to it. It’s also perhaps much more cost-effective, and able to grab more eyeballs than most conventional modes of marketing could in modern times. Just take for instance how much time we spend on the internet, flitting between social media and search engines to address our needs and wants, curiosities or our need for entertainment.

The breadth and expanse of the internet sphere are so immense that even the possibilities are endless, and if everything’s done in the right manner, the result can prove to be extremely fruitful, if we were to speak in terms of business. Now, digital marketing agency is definitely not one of those things that you can simply employ a DIY approach for. It’s a specialisation, with its own nuances and complexities that have to be dealt with by someone who has the requisite guile and experience to do so.

SEO Agency in Noida

A digital marketing strategy has to take into account things such as social media/ search engine algorithms, search engine optimisation particulars, amongst other things that determine how well you fare on the medium. A well-drawn, well-executed digital marketing services or strategy can work wonders for your business. Finding the best digital marketing agency is a task in itself.

Toffee Pvt Ltd Digital marketing and SEO company in Noida

There’s no paucity of them in Noida, so what makes Toffee Pvt Ltd different from the rest? While there are plenty of marketing agencies that claim to be the best marketing company in Noida or the entire country, even so in the case of digital marketing, Toffee has the added edge of specialising in all things pertaining to PPC and SEO. Toffee works at a really high-level, combining strategy with a creative flair that enhances any digital marketing campaign they undertake. All in all, they’re the best agency in Noida for PPC and SEO and given how much experience they have in the sphere of digital marketing, Toffee Pvt Ltd digital marketing agency must be your topmost choice to give your digital marketing business.

Digital Marketing headaches in Noida

There’s little out there that isn’t available in Noida. We have all sorts of swanky malls and cool hangouts, great places to eat amongst other things. In the same vein, there’s no dearth of internet marketing firms in Noida either. They are dime a dozen, and a lot of them don’t tend to hire qualified individuals who can take up the mantle for something as important as digital marketing, a sphere which holds endless potential and opportunities that can either make or break a business. You ought to take digital marketing a bit more seriously, therefore, and you probably do. You might be on the lookout for a local digital marketing agency, since it’d be too much of a hassle keeping up with things if you gave your business to someone located elsewhere and you might want to be a bit more hands-on in terms of expressing your ideas as to how you want your brand or business to be perceived.

marketing company in noida - Toffee Pvt Ltd

Now looking for a digital marketing agency in Noida can be quite a slog as it would mean that you shall be looking through many agencies that you could barely differentiate each other from. There’s a certain sense of homogeneity present in the digital marketing sphere so you cannot be blamed for that. Cautious, you ought to because this is your money and your business. You simply cannot afford to give it a digital advertising agency that doesn’t have a clue as to how one is supposed to utilize digital marketing in a productive manner. Digital media is an extremely huge expanse of possibilities, and it is imperative that one has the requisite know-how to make full use of its capabilities, in all its infinity. Given how crucial and critical it is to figure out which would be the best digital marketing agency in Noida to take on the rather arduous responsibility of handling your digital marketing operations, it wouldn’t be fair to merely cite the problem and then not disclose the solution.

Toffee is quite justifiably considered to be the best marketing agency in Noida and can buoy your visibility and brand value on the internet to dizzying heights. As an agency, they are incredibly good at SEO-related matters and as a digital advertising agency, it is important that one understands how SEO works before anything else. So if you’re looking for someone to take your business to the next level with their internet marketing capabilities, look no further than Toffee Pvt Ltd marketing agency in Noida.